THERE must be some fundraising drug in the air this month but, whatever the reason, you can only applaud people like Jean Richardson and Caroline Herries.

Both in their 60s, these women will both be embarking on arduous physical challenges in the near future to raise money for very deserving causes. While 60 is by no means 'old' given today's ever increasing life expectancies, it is still a mature age associated with 'respectability', routine and, dare we say it, 'playing it safe'.

But that is hardly an accusation that can be levelled at Caroline, whose three grandchildren will surely be rightfully amazed to see the photographs she brings back of her 180-mile, six-day Ethiopian adventure. Or Jean, for that matter, a veteran runner who has raised thousands of pounds for causes close to her heart.

Their example, by demonstrating that there's no age limit for trying something new or taking on another challenge, should be an an inspiration to all of us.

BACK in May when Weston Lane Sports and Social Club had just discovered its pitch had been mistakenly turned into a building site, things looked bad.

But then Leeds North West Homes (LNWH), the group that looks after council housing for Leeds City Council and whose contractors had made the blunder, started talking about making amends and helping the club achieve its goals. Yet now, three months on, Weston Lane still has no idea what, if any compensation it will receive - and with only days to go before the new football season kicks off, it is still waiting for LNWH to put back a set of goalposts on to its reinstated pitch.

Club Chairman Richard Bolton is understandably frustrated at the lack of progress, and it is hard for the impartial observer to argue with Otley town councillor John Eveleigh's assessment, made months ago.

He said: "The club's had a number of misfortunes over the last few years but very solidly stayed in there. If they're going to lose this sort of funding somebody has to accept there has to be some sort of compensation. I think Leeds City Council has an obligation now, they should put the money up front and haggle later."