When the weather is hot and dry it's only natural that we want to spend more time outdoors and throw open our windows to let the summer inside.

But we can often forget that when our lives spill out into our gardens and yards we sometimes become a bit louder. Music blares out from our houses, the TV can be heard halfway down the street, our voices carry in the gardens, and we often have friends or family over for barbecues or impromptu gatherings.

While no-one would want to put a dampener on anyone's fun, it is quite right that Bradford Council is warning people it will act appropriately if the noise gets out of control. Some people either don't realise or don't care that their increased volume can get on the nerves of their neighbours.

Noise is one of the causes of the worst disputes between neighbours, and for the person on the receiving end of the disturbance it can make their lives hell. If you are elderly, have young children, or perhaps work shifts, then the last thing you want is to be disturbed by a party in next door's garden or the television blaring out loudly through open windows.

Environmental health officers have already seized hi-fi equipment and televisions from noise-makers, and have promised they will continue to take action over the summer if behaviour warrants it.

It's all about having a bit of consideration. One person's good time is another person's noisy disturbance, and it is unfair for anyone to have fun at the expense of someone else. The simple message is turn it down, be a good neighbour, and help to keep the peace.