The Lees and Cross Roads 29th Gala was a real sizzler, with temperatures soaring.

Lees Primary School and field were trimmed in festive flags as always and the 5-a-day Fruit and Veg Gala was up and running.

Leading the procession was the Revolution Show Corps. The Cross Roads Gala king and queen float was trimmed up with galloping horses on the side so it looked like a carousel. Lees Playgroup children were all dressed up as an assortment of fruits and veg.

The Cross Roads Beavers, Cubs and Scouts were out in force, with others playing in the Show Corps. Once again, Lees Primary School had pulled out all the stops as their float was fantastic with smiling strawberries and beaming bananas out in numbers.

Their biggest feature was a huge blow-up banana on the back of the truck which, apparently, took the school caretaker three days to blow up. The back-drop was a huge copy of the winning programme design by Lees pupil Ellie Thornton, aged nine. Last, but certainly not least, came the line of vintage tractors

The event was officially opened by the Gala king and queen and attendants. The children were: King - Samuel Murphy, and Queen - Rebecca Williams. The retinue was: Mhirren Haigh; Samuel Steventon; Rebecca Mitchell; Dylan Mortimer; Billie Judson; George Johnson; Hayley Foster, and Daniel Smith.

The Space Monkeys -- a group of jugglers and entertainers -- had brought fruit and veg to juggle as well as the more usual balls, hoops and clubs.

Overall the whole afternoon went fantastically well with near-record takings at the gate and many of the stalls. Huge thanks need to go to Skipton Properties, G Moore Insurance and Cartasport for their generous sponsorships again. Also the Bronte Hotel, Nelson's Transport, the Church of Latter Day Saints, and all local businesses that neverlet the event down and provide prizes in the Draw.

Winners in the fancy dress competition were: under 5s - Holly Boocock, aged 3; 5-8years - Tom Lee, aged 6; 9-11 years - Sam Treacer, aged 9: and, aged 12plus - Marion Aston