BLOOM volunteers are hoping their efforts will secure top marks in the final round of Yorkshire in Bloom.

Judges for the annual competition were in Guiseley on Friday last week and in Otley yesterday.

And with both towns winning their individual sections last year, volunteers were going all out to put on extra special shows.

Shirley Hughes-Rowlands, co-ordinator of Guiseley in Bloom, said: "The judges don't give anything away, but we thought Guiseley looked lovely.

"We have been battling against the weather, but we thought Guiseley looked as good as it could do and it was a really nice, sunny day on Friday for the judges."

Guiseley came first for the second year running last year in the urban community section, but was placed second after the spring round of judging.

Meanwhile, in Otley, volunteers hope a last minute clean up on the day before the judges were due to arrive yesterday, would have made the town look its best.

Otley in Bloom had been worried that the state of the overgrown grass verges and that the Jubilee Clock in the Market Place is currently clad in scaffolding would have lead to the town being marked down.

Last year, Otley won the small town section of the contest and in the spring was praised for the cleanliness of the streets.