Shipley MP Chris Leslie has called on parents of Bingley Church of England First School to back his efforts to have it turned into a nursery school.

A former pupil of the Park Road school, he said: "It has served the community for many generations. It is the foundation of local schooling in the town and reputedly the oldest publicly funded school in the country.

"As we enter the 21st century it is more than a reminder of our heritage; it remains well placed to cater for high quality, early years education in the town."

The council's current proposal is to close the existing school and open a larger one at the Holy Trinity site.

But Mr Leslie pointed out that Priestthorpe First School was also expanding and it was important for nursery education to retain a high priority. It should not be squeezed across the town because of lack of space.

He added: "That is why I am proposing the council should consider converting the existing Bingley C of E School building into a nursery school.

"A rationalisation of nursery school places across the town into a main location at Bingley C of E is justified by the numbers and demand for places locally.

He said the building itself and the site made it ideal for such a role.

"The town centre location makes such a nursery school well placed to cater for the wider Bingley district," he said.

"Converting Bingley C of E First School into a nursery school would retain this key educational facility into the new millennium.

"I believe that there is a very strong educational case for this proposal and it would mean Bingley could keep this valuable and cherished asset as a high quality school for years to come.

Mr Leslie said he was submitting his proposal to the council and would welcome comments from parents and local people.

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