Silsden has missed out on another much-needed zebra crossing, after the scheme failed to get the go ahead.

Road safety campaigners were pinning their hopes on another crossing for Kirkgate being awarded funding from Bradford Council -- but it was not considered a high enough priority.

Results of a survey by the council revealed most pedestrians crossed the busy road between the two existing crossings.

This prompted calls for one of them to be moved, or a new one to be built.

Bradford councillor Eileen McNally has been pushing for £10,000 for the scheme. But she has been knocked back in the latest round of cash handouts.

"We haven't got it this time around," she said.

"However, when the resurfacing work has been completed on Kirkgate the other two crossings are to be brought up to standard with non-slip road surfaces."

Coun McNally added that because Silsden was less densely populated than Bradford or Keighley centres, it appeared that the town was always losing out to other areas.

"There are obviously more accidents in these other areas and where this happens the council has got to be seen to be doing something about it," she continued.

"This means that places like Silsden are always pushed to the back of the queue and I get frustrated about that.

"Because of this, the people in the outlying districts will always feel that they are coming off second best."

Coun McNally added that she would continue to fight for money for the zebra crossing.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.