MATTHEW ROBINSON gained his second category race licence after a superb performance in the Clifton road Race last weekend.

Matthew, a member of the Keighley Velo/Concept Precision club won the 33-mile event gaining 15 points which pushed him into the second category section.

Eight riders broke away from the bunch early in the race, but were pulledback by the third lap.

Matthew was joined by three other riders when he made his break and won the sprint to the line, finishing about four minutes ahead of the main pack.

n Mountain bike races will again be a feature of the famous Grasmere Sports in the Lake District.

The event is breaking with tradition and is being held on a Sunday for the first time, on august 23, and huge crowds are expected.

This year there will be cross country races as well as the classic mountain bike dash. Rqacing will be for all categories of riders from under-12's to veterans.

Details and entry forms are available from Paul Loftus on 01229-716582.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.