Ilkley appears to have turned exercise mad in aid of autistic youngster Robert Sime.

Canoeing trips along the Leeds Liverpool Canal and fitness sessions have all boosted the campaign to make sure the three-year-old, of Gilstead Way, is able to attend a mainstream school.

A cycle race from Wetherby to Filey has netted the youngster's appeal a further £118.

Alan Cawood, of Thwaites Avenue, Ilkley, cycled the 73 miles in the Great Yorkshire Bike Ride.

Mr Cawood, 45, and his three colleagues from Spooner Industries who also took part, enjoy exercise but Mr Cawood's wife, Sue, said none of them were particularly keen cyclists.

"Alan enjoys a variety of sports but he was certainly a bit saddle sore when he finished," she said.

"One of the others had taken part in the event before and asked Alan if he was interested. He does rise to a challenge," said Mrs Cawood.

Mr Cawood's colleagues, John Dodsworth, Jimmy Bell and Martin Turnbull raised money for a variety of other causes.

Since September last year Robert has been receiving one-to-one therapy to develop his communication skills.

The Lovaas therapy programme involves 35 hours of therapy each week and costs about £18,000 a year.

Anyone who would like to help the Robert's Ray of Hope Campaign can contact the Ilkley Gazette.

Donations can be left at the Gazette office or any branch of Barclays Bank (account number 00632511, sort code 201188). Cheques should be made payable to Robert's Ray Of Hope Campaign.

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