Burley-in-Wharfedale's Millennium Theatre Group is looking for an influx of young enthusiastic new members.

The group is performing Willy Russell's Our Day Out later this year, a play perfect for young actors to show what they can do.

Group secretary Digby Singleton said: "While we enjoyed a very successful first show (Alan Bennett's Habeas Corpus) we are very keen to attract new members to the group, particularly the youngsters in the village with an interest in drama."

The plea comes as the group seeks to build on its success - if the Queens Hall can be expanded to enable them to stage more ambitious productions.

Mr Digby Singleton said: "We are hoping the Council may be able to

provide a temporary stage extension and eventually a

self-contained area for those involved with the production."

As part of Burley-in-Wharfedale's millennium celebrations, the Theatre Group is planning a rather special production - performing various aspects from the rich history of the village.

However, the group is going to be busy with other productions in the build up to the Year 2000.

In addition to Our Day Out, a pantomime is planned for Christmas 1999.

Mr Singleton would like more villagers to provide an input, whether through acting, props, sets, tickets and poster design.

Anyone wanting to join the Group is asked to get in touch with Digby Singleton on 01943 862763.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.