The youngest member of Airedale Writers' Circle is the winner of the organisation's latest competition. Oakbank School pupil Andrew Buckley, was presented with a leather briefcase by Peter Blacks for his poem 'Briefcase', printed here, which won the poetry competition. The 15-year-old had to write a poem on the theme of a brief case.


For a brief case,

I should make my case brief,

Lest you should reveal

My secrets and my grief.

The documents within you

Are not very long,

But a brief letter in a briefcase

Sings a kind of song.

Briefly I write to you

To encapsulate my words,

In one brief poem with a brief objective,

Briefly, to be heard!

My brief verse has now ended,

I hope with little haste,

And briefly now it shall be placed

In my fine and faithful old brief case.

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