YORKSHIRE Day celebrations went off in fine style on Saturday as Tykes and offcumdens set off balloons, recited the Yorkshire Pledge and took dips in an icy plunge pool.

In Ilkley, a manager at Tesco Supermarket wallowed in a bath of baked beans for charity, children were treated to mini fat rascals from Bettys Tearooms and at White Wells spa cottage there was a mass singing of On Ilkla Moor Baht'At.

In Otley, the town mayor Councillor Mike Evans set off 500 white balloons and several teams took part in a treasure hunt trail from the Manor House pub uncovering all the nooks and crannies of the town.

And former world snooker champion Joe Johnson helped celebrate the special day by challenging people to a game of snooker at Greenwoods Menswear in Guiseley where customers were also entertained by a jazz band.

Joyce Harris, landlady at the Manor House pub, said the treasure hunt had been an enormous success with ten groups including the mayor, Councillor Mike Evans, taking part.

"It was a brilliant day and we raised £100 for charity, we are absolutely delighted and will hopefully make it an annual event," said Mrs Harris.

And Shaun Emmett, who organised the balloon launch and other celebrations in Otley, added plans were already under way to make the event bigger and better next year.

"It was an exceptionally good day and we were very pleased with the response. Plenty of people were buying and wearing white roses and town bellman Paddy Steval did the declaration of integrity about ten times during the day.

"It was the first time we've done it in Otley and we're already planning for next year. We want to have a touring bus with Paddy Steval taking the message to places like Menston and Burley."

Ilkley's White Wells tenants Derek and Christine Arnold saw the celebrations go on all weekend with bands, a piper and charity dips in the plunge pool.

"It was fantastic to have so many different entertainers to celebrate the occasion. We had a chamber ensemble, pipers and folk singers," said Mr Arnold.

The Lancastrians present were persuaded to join in a powerful rendition of On Ilkla Moor Baht'At.

White Wells is famous for its spa pool. Water from Ilkley Moor makes a dip in the pool a rather chilly experience - but a good charity challenge.

'Dippers' this weekend helped to raise £457 for the Airedale Cancer Support Group. Mr Arnold said: "One lady who enjoyed a plunge was aged 86. I offered her a hot drink after she had been in the water but she said she would prefer an ice cream."

"I think you can say we had a reet good time and hopefully we will have just as much fun next year," said Mr Arnold.

"I would just like to thank everybody who came along on Saturday and Sunday, particularly all the entertainers," he said.

l Yorkshire Day is always a good excuse to tuck in and Bettys Cafe Tea Rooms on The Grove celebrated by offering 50 youngsters free 'baby' fat rascals. The children also enjoyed a Yorkshire Day colouring competition and found themselves introduced to Yorkshire treats such as Masham Sausages and Yorkshire Curd Tart.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.