An advance warning about a readers' survey which will be carried in next week's paper.

It is being carried because we will shortly be able to benefit from the full significance of the £3 million plus work which has been going on at our press hall in Bradford.

It will mean we can do a great number of things with the Keighley News that we could only dream of before. We will be at the cutting edge of colour print technology.

For example, at the moment we run the KN in two sections to take advantage of the colour page options.

When the new press come on stream we will be able to print the KN as 'one book' - one section - with very many more colour pages.

A change in size of the KN, as we do at Christmas and the New Year, will become a practical alternative. We have recently had a mixed bag of comments on that issue.

For any newspaper team it is a tremendously exciting challenge. But as the current custodian of this newspaper, first published in 1862, I must take into account the views of readers. This is especially important as the KN is steeped in the community.

In next week's issue we will be asking for your views and help in determining the future look, style and content of this newspaper.

It may sound cheeky, but I would also like to hear from people who don't take the KN. If you know of anyone please pass on the message.

Thanks in anticipation.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.