A record number of Bradford teenagers today learned they have gained top GCSE results.

And the number of students passing the exams has continued to rise.

An impressive 100 per cent of high-flying students at Bradford Grammar School achieved five or more grade A*-C, an increase on last year.

The magic figure of five or more top grades is important since it is the major benchmark for the secondary school league tables which are published later in the year.

Head teacher Stephen Davidson said he was delighted: "Obviously we are very pleased and it is a testament to the hard work of the staff and the pupils."

Bradford Girls' Grammar School, which regularly features in the league of top performing schools, has had another bumper year with just over a third scooping straight A* grades.

"It is a tribute to the girls and the teaching staff," said head teacher Lynda Warrington.

The national trend of girls outperforming boys at GCSE was bucked at Dixons CTC where principal John Lewis declared the battle of the sexes at GCSE to be a draw - for this year at least.

One student, Richard Durn, learned he had gained six A* today but he has also has grade As in two A-level maths modules that he had taken early.

It was a double celebration for Bingley Grammar School pupil Becky Carlisle who learned she had achieved 11 grade A* at GCSE and had been picked to represent her country at the Junior Home International Orienteering Championships in Northern Ireland later this year.

Head teacher John Patterson said he was pleased with all the results gained by his pupils.

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