How can you spice up your marriage? It's a much-asked question by many a couple. And they will be pleased to know that now there's guaranteed answer: do a bit of bungee jumping or parachuting.

Scientists have discovered that taking up dangerous sports can cure stale marriages. Apparently, facing an exciting new challenge is the best way to put some zest back into a relationship.

Although, how they found this out is a mystery. Presumably, their own relationships were on the rocks and they resorted to throwing themselves off bridges or out of planes in sheer desperation - only to find the adrenaline rush has given them sufficient energy to pick up the pieces.

I'm not convinced. Though when the going gets tough I'm quite prepared to sling a bit of knicker elastic over the banister, tie one end around my husband's feet and chuck him over head first in the hope that he'll love me forever.

There are so many so-called cures for floundering marriages. But I can't see any of them working for me. I can only imagine what they would do for my relationship:

Counselling: A great idea. But you need a two-way conversation. My husband last threw a sentence at me back in 1988.

Looking at your wedding pictures: We've only got two snapshots as a newly-married couple and we were arguing (over the seating plan at the reception) when they were taken. My mother-in-law appears in the others, which would be sure to get my hackles rising.

A weekend break: If you can afford it. We could possibly stretch the budget to a night in a tent in Whitby. And what about the kids? We could always copy that bloke from Leeds and leave them on the counter in the local police station with their grandparents' phone number attached.

A sexy video: We haven't got a video recorder. And anyway I can't watch a love scene on television BEFORE the nine o'clock watershed without getting embarrassed and rushing out to make tea.

Showering each other with gifts: This is a once-a-year event (Christmas). At any other time we'd both assume the other had done something extra-marital and have a blazing row over our suspicions.

Giving each other a massage: I can't afford all those pongy oils. This may work if my husband can stomach an all-over body rub with Netto's finest cooking oil.

All things considered, it's probably simpler to indulge in a bit of white-water rafting or a spot of free fall from a Harrier jump jet.

The study found that while the more adrenaline-pumping the activity, even less risky pursuits such as learning to play tennis could help - as long as a couple had never tried it before and found it exciting.

Well, well, well... I quite fancy a game of dominoes tonight.

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