A pioneering campaign to encourage more builders from the ethnic minorities has won funding worth hundreds of thousands of pounds.

YouthBuild started in Bradford as a pilot project in 1997 and has since created 11 keen apprentices for local employers in the construction industry.

Now their own communities are also feeling the positive effects of their new found talents after they renovated a house in Manningham as part of their three-year apprenticeship.

The Victorian house in Queens Road was in a poor state, says the Bradford & Northern Housing Association.

Now, thanks to their work, it is worth an extra £20,000 and is home to a couple with six children who moved in three weeks ago.

Delighted dad Araj Miah said: "I was told Manningham Housing Association have a ten-year waiting list for large family accommodation in Manningham and some housing providers said they could not help me at all. The young people from my community were involved in the YouthBuild project and through them I was given my new home. Now I can still live in the same community and be near my friends and family."

The association has put that money into a development trust to support the apprentices, in case they choose to become self-employed.

Community development co-ordinator Ehjaz Gull said: "The project is unique in that it will encourage ethnic minorities to access training and employment through securing modern apprenticeships within the construction sector, where they have been traditionally under-represented."

He said the scheme was a joint initiative with Bradford Council and the Training and Enterprise Council.

It has attracted £172,000 from Europe and £108,000 from the Manningham and Girlington Single Regeneration Budget funding.

Mr Gull added: "Apart from the regeneration of disadvantaged areas of Bradford, it is hoped the project will provide role models for other young people considering a career in the construction industry."

The scheme has another 30 places for youngsters wanting to learn everything from decorating to plumbing and electrics to carpentry to NVQ Level 3 standard.

Ring Bradford (01274) 733660 to find out more.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.