Plans for the redevelopment of Ilkley College went on show for the first time at Ilkley Town Hall this week.

A special room has been set aside for the extensive maps, drawings, explanatory notes and a visitors' book as well as forms for public comment have been provided by planners.

Following months of consultation between planners and the Harrogate-based development company Crest Homes (Northern) Ltd the final plans have now been published.

Crest intend to convert the main Grade II-listed building Wells House into 24 apartments. The outside shell of the building will remain as it was built to the plans of Victorian architect Cuthbert Brodrick in 1856.

Five major modern buildings on the site will be demolished as well as some smaller outbuildings such as greenhouses. Affordable housing has also been included on the site with 12 three-storey two-bedroom apartments, called Queens Court next to St Margaret's Parish Church.

Altogether, a mixed development of town houses, apartments and linked detached houses is planned, making a total of 90 residences.

The public now has 21 days to make their comments on the plans which are not expected to be examined by the Keighley area planning committee until at least December.

Initial reaction in the town has been favourable with most people regarding the mixed, sympathetic development as more acceptable than an executive-style detached housing estate.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.