Conservation experts have been called in to investigate after the road collapsed in the heart of Thornton's historic village centre.

A six-metre drop has been left by the incident, forcing Bradford Council highways officials to cordon off the area with barriers.

And because the hole in Havelock Square is in the road leading up to the historic Bronte Birthplace and Conservation Area, the Council's conservation experts have been asked to investigate.

Councillor John Buffham, (Con, Thornton) said: "I was quite horrified when I saw it, it looked very deep. It would appear the road has caved in for some reason but we don't know why."

He said fellow Thornton councillor Clive Richardson had notified the conservation officer.

Barbara Whitehead, who lives at the Bronte Birthplace in Market Street, said: "Part of a wall has collapsed and a tree on the recreation ground has been undermined.

"It looks very dangerous and it's quite a steep, narrow road. There are about 40 houses in Havelock Street and Havelock Square and they are endangering the community on the hillside."

A Council spokesman said the road collapse followed work by contractors who are building a new house in Havelock Square.

A spokesman for the highways department of Bradford Council said: "In the interests of public safety, we have put barriers around part of the carriageway at Havelock Square, Thornton, to prevent motorists from using it.

"A developer excavated against the highway and part of the wall collapsed into his development, leaving a six metre drop.

"A structural engineer has now told the developer to put in temporary shoring to provide the support the carriageway needs. Once this is done, the developer will be able to continue building a new retaining wall."

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