The Police Complaints Authority was today investigating the mystery death of a man in police custody.

Bradford officers voluntarily called in the PCA to probe the case of Anthony Wildman, of Highgate, Heaton, who died in hospital yesterday after being arrested by officers from Toller Lane.

Police today revealed a post-mortem examination revealed the 56-year-old died of head injuries.

But they are still trying to establish just how, where and when he sustained the fatal injuries.

Mr Wildman was arrested at 7.45pm on Tuesday after he was found to be drunk at the junction of Bingley Road and Haworth Road, near to the Fina Petrol Station.

Officers attended the scene following a report of a road traffic accident from a member of the public to the ambulance service.

When ambulance crews and police arrived they found Mr Wildman apparently drunk in the road.

He was taken to a cell at Toller Lane Police station, where officers later became worried about mystery injuries.

He was rushed to Leeds General Infirmary where he later died.

Ambulance spokesman David Pitts said: "From our investigations, it seems we were called at 7.51pm by the police who said someone had been knocked down. We got a duplicate call from an unknown male at 7.57pm saying that a male had been knocked down

"A crew responded but they could find no injuries and they were told the man would be taken by police.

"We got a call at 11.49pm on the same night from the Toller Lane police station saying that they had a prisoner who had fallen and banged his head and that officers could not rouse him.

"We sent an ambulance crew and the man was taken to Bradford Royal Infirmary."

Senior investigating officer, Detective Chief Superintendent Brian Taylor, said: "I would ask anyone who was in the Haworth Road/Bingley Road area at about 7.45pm on Tuesday to come forward.".

Witnesses or anyone with information should contact police at the Toller Lane incident room on Bradford 376255.

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