KIDS in the kitchen Sophie Baker and Daniel Moon make their TV debut on Tuesday.

The youngsters, both pupils at Long Preston Primary School, enjoyed filming with television cook Susan Brookes for a slot on the This Morning programme with Richard and Judy.

The children proved to be naturals in front of the cameras and were so good that Mrs Brookes hailed them as the Richard and Judy of the future!

Mrs Brookes is currently filming a series on This Morning to accompany her latest book, Mrs Brookes' Baker's Dozen.

Sophie, five, of Long Preston, and six-year-old Daniel from Wigglesworth, joined the celebrity at her at her Long Preston home to demonstrate the chapter on cooking with children.

"I knew we needed some children for filming and I knew Sophie. I thought it would be best to have children who already knew me," said Mrs Brookes. "They made buns, chocolate crispies and iced buns.

"They were so good I think I should be able to retire soon! They are the Richard and Judy of the future."

Among the many highlights of the filming were the comments made by Sophie and Daniel, including when Sophie asked if she could lick her fingers.

"I told her she could so long as nobody was looking!" said Mrs Brookes.

The programme goes out on Tuesday May 30 and Mrs Brookes' book, packed with common-sense, easy to follow recipes for baking, is on sale priced at £14.99.

It is published by Granada Media.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.