A scheme to encourage parents to walk groups of children to school has met with a cool public response.

Calderdale Council's Walk-ing Bus project is meant to cut out the stress and pollution of car trips while giving pupils some well-needed exercise. But despite information on the scheme and an appeal for volunteers last month, the Council has yet to have a single response.

Road safety officer Peter Shepherdson said: "There have been a few private arrangements between parents but no formal ones so far, and we're disappointed that a lot of people haven't rushed to our doors because it's a great idea.

"Maybe the poor weather has been to blame but I would like to think a few parents are considering the benefits for themselves by sharing journeys between them."

The concept involves a few adult 'minders' taking it in turns to supervise small groups of children picked up and dropped off at set routes to and from school.

To find out more, contact Safer Routes Officer Janet Sheard on 01422 392803.