A collection of exotic rugs woven from wool grown in Britain and Tibet and made in Nepal is due to go on show this week.

The 24 rugs have been produced thanks to a partnership developed by the Bradford-based British Wool Marketing Board.

They have been produced using traditional hand-knotting techniques by the Nepalese carpet industry which employs 100,000 people.

They will be on show for the first time to British carpet retailers on the Board's stand at the National Floor Show at the International Centre in Harrogate - the top UK carpet trade event.

They are being shown as part of a promotion of British wool in a bid to build better Anglo-Nepalese trade links.

The rugs are the first to be made from wool from the UK and Tibet. The British wool, which is particularly resilient and hard wearing, is ideal for carpet production and was sourced by the Board which has its headquarters on the city's Euroway Estate.

In the past, wool has been imported mainly from other countries to blend with Tibetan wool for Nepal's hand knotted carpet industry. The industry generated $142 million in export earnings last year.

Major markets are the USA, Germany with exports to Britain accounting for only 2.1 per cent of the total. The Nepalese, who are sending a promotional team to Harrogate, are hoping the event will open up new marketing opportunities in the UK.

The British wool rug initiative follows a number of trade missions to Nepal by UK wool traders and the Wool Board.

The project has also involved the Nepal-Britain Chamber of Commerce and the Central Carpet Industries Association of Nepal. It has been well supported from the British Ambassador to Nepal, Ronald Nash.

He said: "This is a classic example of co-operation. I wish the team every success in Harrogate and hope this will open the door to sustained, long-term exports of Nepalese carpets to Britain and long-term imports of British wool to Nepal."