A German Shepherd dog was imprisoned in a nailed-up garage for 12 months, it was learned today.

The animal, which was fed through a hole in the door, may now have to be destroyed.

Terry Singh, manager of Bradford Council's dog-warden service, pictured, said that during his 30-year career he had never come across a case where a dog had been locked up so long.

He said he could not understand the animal's owner keeping it in such horrendous conditions. Mr Singh said his officers found the dog distressed and aggressive after they were called by the owner to a garage in the west Bradford West area.

The ex-security dog's coat was badly matted and it had been living in its own excrement.

It is being held in a secret location in Bradford while officers decide whether it can be rehabilitated.

Mr Singh said: "During 30 years of work in animal welfare I have never seen an animal kept in captivity for as long as this. When my officers questioned the owner he admitted that the dog was locked into the garage after it bit a family member last year.

"He had nailed up all the entrances and just pushed food through a hole. While physically it wasn't too bad, in fact it was a little bit fat through over feeding, it has been very badly affected mentally.

"When we took it out of the garage with a noose attached to a long metal pole it bit until its gums bled. If we can't get it used to humans again then it may have to be put down."

Mr Singh said the owner would not be prosecuted as it would be too hard to prove mental cruelty.

If you want advice about a disruptive pet contact the dog and animal warden service on 01274 753926.