MORRIS dancers have launched a bid to build a new maypole in Otley.

And they hope it will become a focal point in the town during key festivals such as the traditional May Day.

The joint bid between the town's Wayzgoose and Buttercross Belles centres on Manchester Square opposite the civic centre - where a 'maypole' has traditionally stood for centuries.

The two Morris 'sides' aim to have a new maypole made, resurface the square, rearrange flower beds and include seating.

Car parking spaces will not be reduced and the whole area will look more attractive.

The sides are confident of getting more than half the cost paid for out of a heritage fund and will be raising the rest themselves.

Now, they are appealing for Otley people to support them in their efforts.

Jennie Hooper, the squire, or leader, of Wayzgoose, said the aim was to recreate the traditional maypole site where dances could take place up to ten times every year.

"Otley has quite a national reputation and we are active in trying to put Otley on the map. Wayzgoose travel all over the country and has quite a big following.

"We are proud of our town and ever since we were formed we've tried to keep the May Day traditions."

She said for the last seven years the side had marked May Day with a dawn dance on Otley Chevin and had decorated the pole in Manchester Square.

But despite what people thought, the present pole - put up in 1962 - was a flagpole and not a maypole.

"The maypole in the centre of towns was a focal point, there are very few left and it would be lovely to have one in Otley," said Jennie.

A craftsman member of the Wayzgoose side is looking into making a 20ft maypole.

The larch pole will be put up in the middle of the square in a plinth and surrounded with specially laid stone.

The existing flagpole will stay where it is at the edge of the square and will be spruced up by the town council.

"We're not planning to remove any of the parking places, we want to resurface the whole area to make it strong enough for cars and make it more attractive.

"We want to make it a forum for Morris dancing but also use it for other events like the Victorian Fayre. It will be a community space for all sorts of things that come to Otley.

"We want it to be inclusive and not exclusive, it will be something that the whole community can come together with and something that everyone can enjoy."

The sides are confident that 60 per cent of the cost will be covered by a Local Heritage Initiative Fund - which supports historical projects. The remainder will be raised by the dancers themselves, local businesses and by other grants.

The dancers also plan to cut costs by carrying out much of the work themselves.

They are not sure yet how much the scheme will cost and are currently getting quotations.

l Anyone wanting to make a donation of cash, seating, flowers or time should contact Les Cross, Otley Town Council Clerk, Otley Civic Centre, Cross Green.