In 1582, the Gregorian calendar was introduced.

In 1868, the Bradford Observer was first issued as a daily newspaper.

In 1930, the R 101 airship crashed near Beauvais, France, killing 48 passengers.

From the Telegraph & Argus of October 5, 1975... One of Bradford's best known corner shops - formerly premises of J H Weeks and Son Ltd, one of the city's oldest jewellers - has been gutted by fire. The shop, at the corner of North Parade and Rawson Square, had been recently opened as a fashion store, Alias Smith and Jeans. A coffee bar next door was also damaged. All three storeys of the shop were badly burnt and all the stock destroyed.

From the Telegraph & Argus of October 5th, 1950... Bradford Corporation's Finance Estimates Sub-committee has recommended the approval of the scheme for a public wash-house and slipper baths in Rupert Street, Bradford, at an estimated cost of £57,500.