ACCIDENT blackspot Coniston Cold bridge has been knocked down again - just a few weeks after the last repairs were completed.

Temporary traffic lights are now back on the listed structure on the A65 after a mystery vehicle crashed into the central pillar and demolished part of the upstream wall early on Tuesday morning.

PC Les Moorhouse, of Skipton's traffic division, is investigating the incident and is keen to hear from anyone with information.

Last time the bridge was damaged it took five months to repair as workmen had to wait for stone to be quarried from Waddington Fell to meet listed structure regulations.

This is the sixth time in less than four years that the bridge has been the scene of an accident leaving the walls in need of repair.

Coniston Cold Parish Council has campaigned for permanent traffic lights on the bridge.

Coun Jonathan Strange told the Herald the parish council and most of the village still wanted traffic control there.

He said: "This latest accident, just six weeks after they opened it up again, outlines again why it should be permanent traffic lights on that bridge. It is just ridiculous. How long is it going to take to repair it this time? That lovely new centrepiece that must have cost a fortune is now lying in pieces in the river.

"They should put in priority lights that you can alter to allow for different traffic flows. It is only a matter of time before somebody ends up in the river, and permanent traffic lights would save lives."

A spokeswoman for the highways agency said it was unclear how long repairs would take, although there was stone left over so there would not be a wait for it to be quarried.

She added that the agency was looking at all the options for short, medium and long term improvements at the bridge.

Anyone with information about the incident can contact PC Moorhouse on 01756 793377.