A new long distance footpath, which takes in some of the most panoramic landscapes around Bradford, has been launched.

The 45-mile-long Bradford's Millennium Way was 18 months in the charting by volunteer members of the Bradford Countryside Service.

But spearheading the project were five volunteers all from the wider Keighley area. They were Chris Buckley, Jim Thornber, Malcolm Hutton, Andy Wood and Phil Hatton.

Mr Hatton said: "It was 18 months of incredibly hard work, but Bradford now has a wonderful memorial to the millennium. The walk can be enjoyed by local folk and by visitors to the area."

It was divided into 11 sections with easy access points, most reached using public transport.

The route was waymarked and signposted and any initial problems involving landowners had been overcome, added Mr Hatton.

"Generally speaking, landowners have welcomed the route and are happy with things. Some footpaths are already popular, but other parts of the route are rarely walked and now they should be used," he said.

The walk officially starts at Bracken Hall, Baildon, and takes in Ilkley, Addingham, Silsden, Oxenhope, Denholme, Harden and Shipley.

Each section of the route is between three and five miles long.

An illustrated booklet describes each section in detail, using a simple map and text, and it also contains useful information about bus times.

The booklet is available at places en route, at tourist information centres, Bracken Hall, White Wells, Ilkley, and from Jim Thornber, Millennium Way project director on 01535 642292.