Bradford Council is seeking new investment to revitalise towns and villages under a joint heritage plan for the South Pennine area.

The blueprint for the future development and management of the area has been produced by the Standing Conference of South Pennine Authorities (SCOSPA). It will provide the framework for future projects aimed at improving the area's natural environment, heritage and the economy of local centres with the help of national and European funding.

Councillor Anne Hawkesworth, executive committee member for the environment said: "This blueprint is an important opportunity to attract new funding into revitalising towns and villages which normally miss out on regeneration. Bradford Council has been a key partner in the development of the South Pennine area for some years."

SCOSPA is made up of a number of local authorities and agencies in West Yorkshire and the West and South Pennines and is organised by Bradford Council. Next Tuesday, the council's executive committee will be asked to approve the Southern Pennines heritage area strategy and the development of projects to revitalise towns and villages. Schemes could include:

lSupport for business ventures

lNew woodland planting projects

lThe development of visitor accommodation

lImprovements to footpaths and other public access.