Dad-of-four Harry Trow has given up Christmas and New Year with his family to embark on a marathon solo kayak journey in aid of the homeless.

While millions of families got together on Christmas Day, Mr Trow, who is homeless, was starting to paddle the 120 miles from Shipley to Liverpool on the Leeds-Liverpool Canal.

And while the nation celebrates the start of 2001, the jobless 52-year-old grandfather expects to be sleeping rough next to the canal before he reaches his destination of Litherland near Liverpool on New Year's Day.

Mr Trow will be collecting money for the homeless at canalside pubs, towns and villages along the way.

He hopes that the expedition will raise hundreds of pounds for the Big Issue in the North Trust, which helps the homeless.

And he wants to highlight the issues facing the homeless, particularly at Christmas and New Year.

Mr Trow said: "Christmas can be a lonely time for some people - either at home alone with no family or friends, or worse, stuck outside without shelter.

"My journey will link the two places where I stay with my daughters and although I have no home of my own, I do have the benefit of being able to stop with people who love and care for me.

"But this is not the case for many of the homeless and homebound and I know from my own experiences how lonely a time Christmas can be which is why I'm making this journey.

"I've slept rough before and although I'm hoping to be offered beds along the way I'm prepared to sleep in my tent and sleeping bag by the side of the canal.''

John Wallace, head of resources for Big Issue in the North Trust, said: "We really appreciate his efforts to raise money for our vendors, especially at this time of year."

Readers who want to sponsor Mr Trow should send a cheque, made payable to the Big Issue in the North Trust, to him c/o 116 Bradford Road, Shipley, BD18 3DF.

The progress of his journey can be following via the website