SIR - "Guilty as charged". That must be the correct comment for the recent planning committee decision about the Provincial House site.

While arguments might continue as to the merits or otherwise of the existing and proposed buildings (design is always a subjective matter), what is true is that the proposal is totally out of scale for a city centre site.

Even more important (and Councillor Hillary hit the nail on the head) is the totally inappropriate land use proposed. Town planning is primarily about land use and in this respect Coun Smith's reported comments about use not being important were as wrong as Coun Hillary's were right.

As everyone knows, Bradford has had a welcome influx of new public houses and restaurants but some of these are known to be struggling (Bella Pasta has already moved out).

Just who in these conditions is going to make drink/food premises pay, especially with the high rates which will be charged?

As for arts and culture, there is the vacant Odeon site which could be made available which would fit in with the West End concept. Again, how is it to be financed?

The whole episode is reminiscent of the failed Greenwich Dome and the Odsal Dome. Financial realities go out of the window!

This decision, as your recent headline states, is bad in all respects.

Philip M Coote (chartered town planner), Rooley Crescent, Odsal, Bradford.

SIR - Do the Bradford public really need more bars and restaurants to replace the Provincial House?

I can think of a better use for the Tower of Despair. Turn the multi-storey building into a modern car park, which would overlook Centenary Square in all weathers. There would be enough spaces for 1000 plus cars per day at £1 all day. The ground floor would be used for only disabled drivers and their vehicles free of charge.

Paul Rawlings, Great Horton Road, Bradford 7.

SIR - I am very surprised that J Fieldhouse (T&A, December 19) adopted a cavalier attitude towards Bradford councillors in taking the decision towards a form of privatisation of council services.

The discussions that took place in the Council Chamber on December 12, referred to Bradford City Centre Company Ltd. The Executive Committee of Council approved this action on October 31. This approval was debated at the Scrutiny Committee on November 21 and they made a recommendation to full council.

At that meeting in December an amendment was proposed by Labour, a further amendment was proposed by the Tories which, when put to the vote and supported eagerly by the Lib-Dems, was carried. When voting together they out-vote Labour.

There is no difference between the Tories and Lib-Dems with their actions on this council and the electorate should remember that. They are as one, whatever they say.

I received many letters from council employees, which I replied to those within Eccleshill ward, stating categorically that I totally support delivery of council services by council employees providing they meet the rigours of Best Value. Indeed I took a trade union "sticker" on entering City Hall.

Please Mr Fieldhouse do not link me to the Tories/Lib-Dems.

Peter Lancaster (Eccleshill Councillor) Flaxman Road, Eccleshill.

SIR - With regard to Shipley police officer Rick Pentith appealing against his suspension. Why doesn't he just apologise to the colleague concerned in the open and get it over and done with? I am sure the colleague will be mature enough to accept his apology.

Also in future he should think before opening his mouth as he does work in an area which has 21 per cent non-white population.

Haider Jameel, Woodland Street, Bradford 8.

SIR - The death of Damilola Taylor (pictured) is an outrage that rightly shocks a civilised world. The persons responsible need to be apprehended as soon as possible and dealt with by the most severe means that the British justice system is able to deliver.

However, I am fed up with all the crocodile tears and rhetoric being spouted by all who wish to appear concerned. Let us not forget one vital issue.

It was only a matter of weeks ago that the media was reporting calls for the brutal, sadistic and evil murderers of Jamie Boulger to be released because their human rights had been violated. What would those ever-so-wise people like to say should happen to the murderers of Damilola?

Jamie Boulger was kidnapped, tortured and violently murdered, and we, the nation, are accused of infringing their human rights. What do these do-gooders think should happen to the murderers of Damilola?

M O'Hara, Shuttleworth Lane, Bradford 8