PARENTS at two Guiseley schools have joined together to fight for a pedestrian crossing on busy Bradford Road.

They fear that their children's lives are at risk, after several near misses and several incidents of road rage and rightly point to the fact that the council has been unable to get a replacement warden for the crossing.

It ought to be Leeds City Council's priority to get a crossing warden on the site, and, of course, it shouldn't take a parents' campaign to get this very basic safety provision for their children.

It is, after all, the council that bangs its drum about encouraging parents to walk their children to school instead of taking them in cars. Presumably they do not consider dodging cars part of the children's physical education.

Parents and pupils will welcome the decision to look at the possibility of introducing some form of pelican crossing. Pressure must be brought to bear to make sure that this vague 'possibility' becomes reality and sooner rather than later.

There is nothing wrong with a bit of council-bashing - it keeps the authorities on their toes.

But on this occasion, the problems aren't quite so black and white. The council may not be doing enough, but the responsibility for the safety of people in our communities also lies with local people themselves.

Most people have been guilty of speeding on roads - even outside schools where pupils are trying to cross.

Yes, it is time for the council to do its bit, but it is also time for motorists to use a little common sense and have some consideration for other people.

Because at the end of the day, it won't be the council that kills or seriously injures a child - it will be a speeding motorist.

IT is good to see traders in Horsforth enter into the Festive spirit by supporting the town council's first annual window dressing competition.

Not only has it made the town look a lot brighter than in previous years, it has also helped to galvanise community spirit in the township which in recent years has sadly dwindled.