I JUST can't say enough to thank all the fans who made the long trip to Gateshead, they are absolutely fantastic.

The Cougar fans continue to amaze me, to get 500 or 600 up to the 'Thunder Dome' for a 12.30 kick off on Chrismas Eve was incredible. I'm sure the lads did enough to brighten up the journey south.

It was also good to see quite a number fans in the club when we got back, they were able to enjoy the game on video before heading home for Christmas.

I WAS in the shop again before Christmas an really enjoyed meeting everyone who came in. The 1000-Point video was going like hot cakes and it is super to see how much pleasure the fans got out of our success last season.

Despite rumours to the contrary my brother Chris, who is looking after the Under-21's, is not sponsored by Reebok and flatly denies the allegation that he is the person in their TV commercial -- "Belly's gonna get you!"