STRESSED out MPs, teachers and nurses are being offered a lifeline.

A Rawdon church wants to do what it can to help people in potentially stressful jobs. It has sent out letters to schools, local government and hospitals offering support. And it has even offered help to the area's MPs - because they are facing a General Election.

The first special celebration event will offer people help and advice on how to cope with their busy lives.

Rob Fry, pastor of the New Life Community Church, said he often came into contact with people who led busy lives but could be quite isolated. "We are not saying we have all the answers, but we felt it was appropriate to offer some sort of support."

He said the church had contacted schools, emergency services and charities and had offered to listen and say prayers for them. "As a church, we pray for the community, we believe in a God that answers prayers, " said Mr Fry. "Pressure gets results, but when pressure gets too much it ends in stress.

"We're not trying to be nosy and we're not trying to tread on peoples' toes, but we are offering to listen and pray. We've even written to the MPs in our area, they've got a big year ahead. We're not trying to be political but we don't want to shy away from the big stuff."

At the Day of Our Lives event, a deputy head teacher from Leeds will talk about stresses of the job and how to cope with them. There will also be a band and separate focus groups where people will be able to discuss different problems.

Day of Our Lives is due to take place on Sunday, February 18, from 8pm at Greenacre Hall, Rawdon.