UPPER Wharfedale Brownies have made a desperate appeal for enthusiastic volunteers to help run the pack

The 1st Threshfield Brownies could be described as one of the most successful groups in the area, being full to capacity with a waiting list in double figures.

However, leader Amelia Vyvyan said this week that no enthusiasm had been shown by the area's adults, with not one response to adverts scattered around the area asking for new volunteers.

The group has found itself in the unfortunate situation of having to find replacements for all three of its existing volunteers.

Mrs Vyvyan, who has been with the group nearly five years, is leaving because her daughter is moving on to Guides.

The same applies to unit helper Jenny Whitaker, who has been with the group for three years, and the third volunteer, leader Anna Horrocks, could be moving away from the area shortly.

Mrs Vyvyan said: "The group is basically full to capacity at the moment and more girls are always wanting to join. There's a list as long as your arm.

"It's really successful and it is a brilliant group. That's why it would be a double shame if we could not find anyone to take over."

She said volunteers did not necessarily have to be a mum and added that lots of local leaders were of more mature years.

Mrs Vyvyan said volunteers would obviously have to enjoy working with children, have a sense of humour and have endless patience. She added creative ideas would also be a bonus.

"It is really good fun at the end of the day and we're all sad we've got to leave, but that's just down to the different circumstances we're facing."

There are currently 24 brownies in the group, which meets on Mondays in Upper Wharfedale School between 5.30pm and 6.45pm.

With such a large number, a minimum of three adult volunteers are required to run it. Only one of the volunteers, though, has to be a warranted guider.

Mrs Vyvyan stressed that becoming a warranted guider was not as difficult as it might sound. She added she would be willing to stay on and help until volunteers felt they could cope on their own.

Anyone interested in helping with the group should contact Mrs Vyvyan on 0771 8478118.