An application to build 130 houses in Brighouse looks set to get the go-ahead at next week's planning meeting in Calderdale.

The outline application to build the residential development on land to the rear of Clifton Mills in Bradford Road, Bailiff Bridge, was deferred last after councillors requested more details from the applicant, A I G Remediations Ltd.

Councillors wanted assurances from the Environment Agency regarding possible flooding and also had concerns about school places for children. Thirty letters of support were received from members of the Bailiff Bridge Committee and 51 other letters of objection, when the application was originally advertised.

Objections included a claim that the access would interrupt traffic flow, could result in a loss of trees and hedgerows, the fact that the local school was already at capacity and children would have to attend schools out of the area and that wildlife would be driven away. Supporters felt the development would benefit businesses.

The group director of Schools and Children's Services for the area said there were sufficient primary school places in the catchment area of the site and that South Halifax High School has sufficient places for older children.

The Environment Agency has estimated the site would be set above the 100 year flood level for Clifton Beck.

Officers have recommended the scheme for approval at the meeting on Tuesday.