sBradford alarm engineer Alan Davidson is still reeling after he was one of the privileged few to meet wacky pop star Michael Jackson at a celebrity wedding.

Psychic Uri Geller and his wife Hanna invited Mr Davidson, pictured with a crystal given to him by Uri Geller, and the wedding invitation, to the renewal of their marriage vows at their plush £5.5 million mansion in Sonning, near Reading.

And Jackson, who is renowned for his eccentricities, was Uri's best man and held the chupah - the canopy under which the Jewish ceremony was conducted - before being whisked away by bouncers.

But before he was due to leave the party - which was attended by acavid Blane and Grand Prix superstar Nigel Mansell - the star spared a few minutes to chat with Mr Davidson, wife Pauline and his business partner Mark Nichols.

"Straight after the ceremony, which was held in a multi-marquee outside, Michael Jackson was ushered into the house and no-one got near him and no-one had chance to speak to him," said Mr Davidson, 42, who runs his burglar alarm business from Idle.

"But Uri pulled him to one side and introduced him to us - we were the only people he spoke to. It was amazing.

"He was very shy and timid but very pleasant. He was wearing a black silk suit with black sequins.

"It was wonderful to meet him as he's a big star but keeps himself to himself a lot so it was great to see him face to face."

The Gellers, who married ten years ago, had originally hoped to hold the ceremony at Stonehenge but changed the venue because they were worried about Jackson's security.

Mr Davidson, who became Uri Geller's friend after setting up his website two years ago, said Jackson was keen to hear about his Internet work and was interested in charity links.

He has also set up a Roger Moore website which highlights the actor's work for UNICEF. "He wanted to hear all about this and said he had loved UNICEF and the work they did," he added.

And Mr Davidson, who runs Internet company, could rub shoulders with the star again as he has been asked to set up a site for a new children's charity launched by the popstar, Uri Geller and Rabbi Schmuley Boteach.