Stanbury's Lord of the Manor has embarked on a project which will combine the bygone secrets of the village with modern technology.

American sapphire miner Tom Lee is setting up a web site about the history of the Manor of Stanbury.

He has been conducting extensive and detailed research for the past two years with a team from Yorkshire to help him.

He says: "Chris Ratcliffe, of Hebden Bridge, is assisting in creating the web site.

"So far, everyone who has contributed, and will be participating in this project, is based in Yorkshire,

"The head of my historical research team is Dr Tim Cooper, formerly of the faculty of the University of Sheffield."

Mr Lee, who lives in Michigan, bought the lord of the manor title for £13,250 at an auction in December 1996.

He adds: "Our research, so far, has taken us back to before 1085.

"Some very interesting chaps held this manor before me, including Henry 111, Henry Duke of Lancaster and John of Gaunt, among others."

The web site is not a commercial enterprise but is a historical endeavour.

Mr Lee has a long family association with England. His wife, Jean, was born in Devon and his three children all have British passports.

Mr Lee's own ancestors were among the first to settle in the New World, sailing from England in the 1620s. They were prominent figures in the early United States.

One of his descendants was a governor of Virginia, and others signed the Declaration of Independence as the British were thrown out.

Mr Lee is proud of his roots in Michigan but retains very fond views of Britain.

The web site will be and Mr Lee would welcome contributions of historical information which could be used on the site.

Mr Lee can be contacted at 2710 Boston SE, East Grand Rapids, Michigan 49506, USA. E-mail: