FOOT and mouth restrictions have forced a re-think of the Otley Walking Festival - originally planned to bring hundreds of walkers into Wharfedale this summer.

Otley Town Partnership held the event for the first time last year, and hoped to establish the festival with a bigger event this year.

But the organisers now say they may have to call off or re-arrange the festival as many rural footpaths will be closed to the public if foot-and-mouth restrictions are still in place this June.

One of the festival organisers, Simon Archer, said the Partnership would decide after Easter whether the full ten-day festival will go ahead.

Their other options include a shorter festival, or re-routing walks away from farmland.

Mr Archer said: "If we move it any later in the year, it will be too close the folk festival, and over the school holidays, many people are away."

Many of the festival's 34 walks, which take in some of the area's best scenery, have already been arranged, but the partnership has decided not to print leaflets and posters publicising the festival until the decision next month.

Mr Archer said other non-walking events connected with the festival are likely to go ahead, and some walks which do not cross farmland or closed footpaths - including a walk taking in four pubs in the area - are less likely to be affected.