The West Yorkshire Club rallied on Saturday to raise money for a local toddler who was born with a serious chromosome defect.

The club, in Lord Street, Keighley, held a karaoke and raffle night and raised £660 for Scott Harrison.

Scott, aged two, has lived with his illness since birth, which means he has learning disabilities as well as difficulties eating, breathing, seeing and hearing. An appeal was launched by Keighley Market traders.

Scott's mother Anya is grateful for the money raised and says: "Scott is a happy little boy when he's well and he has improved since he was younger. He can now sit up unsupported, although not for a long time.

"He can't talk but he has a mirror in his cot and we sometimes hear him chuckling away.

"It's really kind of them to raise money for Scott because some of the things he needs are just so expensive."

Anya says that they have recently moved house and are hoping to make the garden suitable for him to play outside because he currently spends his time indoors.

She says: "We just want to improve his quality of life. We have two other healthy children and we want him to be included, we want to involve him.

"We aren't really any the wiser as to what the future holds for Scott, and we just want to give him what we can," she says.

The organiser of Saturday's event, Lionel Lockley, works with Scott's father and has been involved in fundraising for Scott for about eight months.

Members of the West Yorkshire Club Tom Kendrick and Tracey Haworth are hoping to lose four stones between them to raise money for Scott.

Anyone wishing to sponsor them should telephone the club on 01535 210064.