Homelessness tsar Louise Casey was due in Shipley today to officially open the offices of a new national charity.

Nightstop UK, which is based at Otley Road in Shipley, is the national HQ of a new organisation helping to tackle youth homelessness.

The charity will provide support, development and training to people in local communities who want to respond to youth homelessness by setting up Nightstop schemes in their local area.

Under the Nightstop model, people volunteer to provide bed and breakfast on a one-night-at-a-time basis to young people who might otherwise be sleeping rough.

"It is a sad reality that it is necessary to have a national body to co-ordinate Nightstop schemes across the country," said manager Greg Thomson.

"However the Nightstop model has been successful, with 33 operational schemes nationwide."

Together these provide places for 20,000 young people aged 16 to 25. The aim is to establish a Nightstop scheme in every area where there is a need.

Louise Casey is the head of the Government's Rough Sleepers Unit and courted controversy with her suggestion that giving to beggars was not the best way to help homeless people.

She will be joined at the official opening by the Deputy Lord Mayor of Bradford, Councillor Phyllis Pettit.