Sport is often quoted as having a major role to play in putting pride and energy back into Bradford and spotlighting the city on the national map in a positive way.

Many may think that this depressing weekend for Bradford sport, with the Bulls losing to St Helens in the Challenge Cup final and City being relegated, will have dealt a major double blow to the city's fortunes and morale. But that's the way people in Bradford used to look at these things.

There is now a spirit of regeneration and hope for the future emerging in the district. Nowadays we should look at the Bulls' defeat as a near-miss and be proud of their presence in the final as one of the top two Rugby League clubs in the country. Instead of looking back to Saturday's disappointment, we should look forwards to them winning the Super League championship.

For their part, City have proved that they can compete in the top flight and that it wasn't simply a lucky break that got them there. They have had two seasons in the Premiership and have proved that they have enough guts and determination to get them back there again.

City fans no are no longer in awe of their counterparts who support the longer-established Premiership clubs. They have met them for two years on equal terms. And now they know for sure that they won't have to wait another 77 years for their team to be back in the top flight.

So thanks, Bantams, for two great years - and here's to the next time.