Road-safety measures put forward following the deaths of four people in two separate accidents have led to new safety schemes in Spen and Brighouse.

Both sets of improvements came about after battling residents refused to let the life-saving issue of traffic calming be ignored.

Last September three teenagers lost their lives following a crash between a Vauxhall Corsa and a bus in Spen Lane in Gomersal.

Resident Maureen King immediately formed Spen Lane Action Group and with the help of local councillors, Kirklees Highways Department and the police, improvements were made.

Large chevron signs, 'SLOW' signs and 'S-bend' signs have now been put up and a gripped road surface has been added to the slope of Spen Lane.

In a separate accident in March, five-year-old Joshua Hill was knocked down and killed by a Vauxhall in Bradford Road, Bailiff Bridge, near Brighouse.

Calderdale Council's road-safety officer Peter Shepherdson worked with residents and an outline proposal for four pedestrian refuges along the road has now been suggested.