Car-crime hot spots in the Dewsbury area will come under scrutiny in the next few weeks in the latest fight to beat thieves.

Dewsbury police are embarking on a car-crime crackdown, identifying hot spots and putting an emphasis on systems already in place, such as Vehicle Watch and Vehicle 25 schemes.

Under the schemes, car owners can put stickers in their car windows to alert police if the vehicle is not normally driven between the hours of midnight and 5am or by a person under 25.

Cars with Vehicle Watch stickers on display will be stopped and checked by the police if seen out on the streets between midnight and 5am.

Drivers who look under the age of 25 but have a Vehicle 25 sticker on their windscreen will also be targeted.

Dewsbury crime prevention officer PC Colin Whiteley said: "We must all play our part in reducing the opportunities for car thieves. A few simple steps from drivers can make life much more difficult for criminals."

The initiative builds on the success of Operation Target, which resulted in hundreds of arrests across the district for car crime.