UNFORTUNATELY in a town like Ilkley where a large proportion of the population is middle aged or above, the youngsters sometimes get overlooked.

A major project like the bandstand on The Grove may be an attraction for those who would find a great deal of pleasure in just sitting and listening, but there are many under 20 years old who need more active pursuits.

During the summer, youngsters with skateboards under their arms can be seen wandering about the town looking for a suitable place in which to exercise their skill.

Some have even turned to hurtling at breakneck speed down The Wells Walk towards the busy junction of Brook Street and The Grove. So far all have been able to stop in time.

During the recent half-term many found the ideal place for congregating and skateboarding, much to the consternation of older residents and visitors.

The bandstand, on The Grove, despite being open only a few weeks has already suffered damage from skateboarders performing their tricks.

Although it is private property, members of one of the town's two Rotary Clubs have shown a great deal of understanding and commonsense in not simply banning youngsters from the area and condemning their behaviour.

They now intend to become actively engaged in the campaign for Ilkley's own skateboard park so that the skateboarders will have somewhere of their own to go and perform their tricks.

It seems like the most admirable and positive solution possible.