A MARINE biology graduate is set to take the plunge and help preserve aquatic life in Honduras.

Susanna Phipp, 21, of Ilkley, is to travel to the other side of the world to take part in a charity venture in January.

Susanna, of Rupert Road, will work with the organisation Coral Kay Conservation, which helps developing countries control their marine resources.

During a three-month placement she will assist the collection of data for research into fish and other marine life along the large coral reef in the Bay Islands.

Susanna, a graduate of Newcastle University, undertook a similar placement in Belize, last year - and says she loved every minute.

Susanna is appealing for people who may wish to sponsor her efforts. She is already working hard herself to save enough money for her air fares and other expenses but she still needs £2,000 to take part in the expedition.

Susanna said: "From a personal viewpoint, it is a good experience and it is the kind of work I want to do for the rest of my life.

"Also, it is helping out places like Honduras who do not really have the money to look after their marine resources themselves."

Anyone wishing to sponsor Susanna should telephone (01943) 608397.