Bradford has been awarded £477,000 to help fight the war on drugs in the district.

The Home Office cash will fund a police crackdown on local dealers and drug-related crime over a three-year period.

And police and Council leaders want people to pass on information about known drug-dealers as part of the project.

Around £384,000 of the money will directly fund extra policing to boost the force's presence on the streets.

The grant has been awarded to the Bradford Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership which includes Bradford Council, West Yorkshire Police, the Probation Service and Health Service.

Today Council leader Margaret Eaton said she was delighted the district had been awarded the money.

"The Bradford district's drug problem is a cause for concern - as it is across the whole of Britain," she said. "This crucial funding will help the police tackle the local drugs market and drug-related crime more effectively.

"The Home Office guidance recognises the key to success is for local people to use the money in a way which works for them at a local level."

Residents and community organisations will be able to pass on information about known drug-users and hot-spots to the police through area panel meetings.

"This information, gathered through new local mechanisms, will enable the police to use their new resources to effectively target drug crime," said a Council spokesman.

Chief Inspector David Young, Bradford district safety co-ordinator, said people should see the benefits of the extra investment.

"We will be able to provide a uniformed presence on the streets," he added.