I have had some really nice letters this week from readers about the Keighley News, with one letter in particular making some very positive suggestions about future content.

The one negative was that in last week's edition we published the Friday and Saturday TV guide instead of the normal Saturday and Sunday listings.

It is not a change of policy, it was an error for which I humbly apologise.

What I really like about such letters is that they give me a greater insight into the reasons people buy the paper. Calls for an additional and more challenging crossword seem to be high on the 'shopping list' of quite a number of you. That request has gone into the melting pot for our latest review of content.

Earlier this week I was giving a presentation about what makes news to a group of press officers working for a large organisation. Some of them seemed to be of the opinion that they had to hit national headlines to make their mark - sometimes at the expense of the regional and local media.

Naturally I set out to show that group the error of their ways - especially when they compared the viewing figures of some 'popular' satellite TV channels with the readership of a newspaper like the Keighley News.

I was also able to convince them of the power of the local media in reaching decision makers. They also accepted the fact that young people - their main targets - do read local newspapers and take an interest in them.