Police teams were touring Pudsey pubs today in a bid to glean more information about the murder of a car dealer.

Officers will distribute posters featuring a photograph of Phillip Smith and his missing mobile phone in the hope of jogging customers' memories.

The 29-year-old dad-of-one was found lying beside his unlocked car in a lay-by in Tong Lane, Tong, last Wednesday morning, after having been shot in the head twice from close range.

Officers will also return to the scene and visit pubs in Tong in their hunt for new information.

Police do not believe robbery was the motive for the killing, but are keen to trace Mr Smith's mobile and the keys to his blue Audi A4.

Detective Superintendent Allan Doherty, who is leading the inquiry, said his officers would also go to supermarkets and post offices.

He said: "We will be visiting pubs in the area to ask people if they can remember anything at all which might prove important."

Officers have already taken statements from motorists who are thought to have seen Mr Smith's Audi before his body was discovered.

Det Supt Doherty said they had also spoken to some of his family, friends and associates, and added: "We have made significant progress into putting together a picture on Mr Smith's background."

However, he remained tight-lipped about the new information received. An earlier appeal for information saw more than 100 calls being received at the murder incident room, prompting several fresh lines of inquiry.

A small-time car dealer and weightlifting enthusiast, Mr Smith, of Highfield Road, Pudsey, was last seen alive as he left his home at 10pm on Tuesday, February 19.

He was wearing a blue Adidas sweatshirt with vertical white stripes down the sleeves, cream tracksuit bottoms and blue trainers.

Police are especially interested in hearing from people who saw the car in the lay-by before Mr Smith's body was discovered at 6.25am.

Anyone with information should call the murder incident room on (01274) 373133 or the confidential Crime-stoppers number 0800 555111.