Two Bradford toddlers will hit the small screen next week in the ITV series At Home With The Braithwaites.

Twins Jamie and Adam Harrison were selected to share the role of Sarah Braithwaite's baby after mum Karen Walker heard about the auditions via a twins club in Keighley.

After months of filming the ten-month-old boys are set to see themselves on TV for the first time on Tuesday.

Karen, 25, of Clayton Heights, Bradford, said she has plenty of video tapes ready to record their acting debut.

"I've read the script so I know which of their scenes are in which programme but I haven't seen any of it yet," she said.

"The cast and crew said they were the best babies that they've worked with. They never cried at all. I think it's because they're twins and they could sit and play with each other."

Mum Karen is already on the lookout for the twins' next role - they even have their own agent in London.

But she says she has no plans to push them into a showbiz career.

"It's good that they are in the Braithwaites, but if they get offered more roles when they are older I won't force them in to it."

At Home with the Braithwaites is screened on ITV 1 at 9pm.