SIR - A poor soul in London walked on his terrace towards his house and paid with a violent mugging attack. The local "plod" said the victim was in the wrong place at the right time.

Typical unproductive rhetoric from a police force that has given up the ghost. Their comment assumes that one cannot walk outside one's own house in safety.

However, if one mentions the fact that "no go" areas exist, the police will fall over themselves to deny it!

I have friends in Bradford who've been mugged, robbed, racially insulted, physically assaulted and live in constant fear of car-jacking. Their friends and work colleagues have all had similar experiences. Law and order has broken down on our streets while Blair strives to be the emperor of the world.

Zero-tolerance policing and ID cards are the last refuge of a desperate society. Nobody wants it in an ideal world, but we have completely lost the plot, and needs must.

Let Liberty and assorted middle-class peaceniks of England scream blue murder. They themselves have no answers. Little old ladies never recover from a mugging. Citizens losing a small slice of privacy would.

John Masters, Kirk Lane, Yeadon.

SIR - Mr Blunkett seems to be saying law and order will improve with a shake-up of the whole police force. He should consider a shake-up of the criminal laws. It's no good having a police force second to none if criminals both petty and serious are given trivial sentences when brought to trial. I do not wonder that police tire of continually bringing people who commit crime to court, only for them to be let off with silly things like community service etc.

Look at the real issue, Labour, and show some mettle in giving the police better incentives and pride in the job they do.

V Griffiths, Crag Road, Windhill.

SIR - In my letter (January 24), I said Paul was "not well acquainted" with any of Jesus's close disciples (read Dr J K Elliott, or even conservative Christian scholars such as James Dunn and Raymond Brown).

Wendy Sykes should have read my letter more carefully. Matthew and Luke were copied from Mark, with expansions. John was written much later from memory (by John, son of Zebedee, some say). Matthew was a tax collector, who did not travel with Jesus. Luke was Paul's physician, and like Paul never met Jesus.

Christian historians would refute Wendy's suggestion that the disciples wrote the gospels! They were written between 60 and 100 AD, possibly later.

To echo Wendy Sykes, could I urge your readers to read the Bible for themselves, particularly Jesus's words ("Hear O Israel, the Lord our God is one"). Where does he mention The Trinity?

Christianity is based on the teachings of Paul, not Jesus! Early Christians were Unitarian.

Wendy says the ignorance of the word of God is contributing to the state of our world today. It also allowed African Unitarians to be killed in Roman arenas! Today, Jesus's clear message, clouded by Paul's abstruse and untenable paradoxes, causes people like Eric Firth to become atheist. How ironic!

Michael Best, Clarke Street, Calverley.

SIR - I totally agree with Michael Breen (Letters, February 18). I myself have had abuse from these alcoholics at the bottom of Ivegate on several occasions. They ask for spare change and if you say no, they will shout abuse at you.

They pass out on the pavement and go to sleep on the bank steps, when they have drunk too much.

The police should do something about them. If you have a night out and get drunk, the police will arrest you for been drunk and disorderly.

This should apply to these people. They are doing the same thing but in the day time, when there are young children about.

Julie Stephenson, Langfield Drive, Dudley Hill, Bradford 4.

SIR - I am trying to trace Elsie Elizabeth Bottomley (nee Hargreaves). She had a daughter Jenny. Last-known address was Coniston Avenue, Queensbury. Jenny used to work for the Electricity Board in Bradford. I have important news for them.

If they or any relatives or friends have any information, I would be glad to hear from them on 01667 456356.

Susan D Bottomley, Nairn, Scotland.

SIR - Re the outcry from one of your readers regarding hunting (February 21). I'm afraid it smacks of politics!

To say foxhounds are wild animals (such balderdash) merely signifies the lack of knowledge some have in this particular field.

Sadly, to accuse huntsmen of being on a par with the Bradford rioters beggars belief.

G E Sykes, Jacana Way, Clayton Heights, Bradford.

SIR - I read with interest of the appointment at an inflated salary of the "Vision Chief".

As a simple tax payer, could someone tell me for what? How long do we have to suffer these ridiculous appointments and jobs for the boys - in this case girls?

Barry Foster, Gilstead Lane, Gilstead.