Attendance watch patrols have been launched across Kirklees in an effort to cut down on the number of pupils skipping school.

Kirklees education social workers and police officers who make up the patrols, have been approaching school-aged children alone or accompanied by an adult to establish why they are not in school.

School attendance in the Kirklees area is above the national average but there still remains a number of children who are absent from school without acceptable reason.

The scheme, part of the strategy to improve attendance to increase attainment, is an initiative between Kirklees Education, Calderdale Education and Police, working with high schools and using the new truancy orders.

The explanations given to Attendance Watch patrols for not being in school are checked with the school. Where no valid reason is given the children are escorted to school or home.

Details will be given to both the school and the education social worker for any young person approached by the patrol in order to offer help and support. Education social workers can help parents who are experiencing difficulties ensuring their child attends school.

It is also hoped that some of the most vulnerable young people can be offered the help they need to keep themselves safe and to access education.